Spartan Garage Doors

Garage Door Repairs: When to Do It Yourself and When Not to

Garage Door Repairs: When to Do It Yourself and When Not to

The garage door is an integral part of the average Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania household. It provides a secure place to store your car, boat, and other belongings without worrying about them being stolen or damaged. Unfortunately, it can also be a source of frustration for homeowners when they experience problems with their garage door opener not working correctly or if the garage door gets stuck midway through opening or closing. Garage doors are heavy and require specialized equipment to repair them correctly, so it’s vital that you know when to call a professional versus trying to do the repairs yourself.

If you require a garage door repair, it can be tempting to try and do the repairs on your own. However, this should not always be an option. Garage doors are complicated pieces of machinery that require professionals to fix them properly. Figuring out if you should DIY or call a professional can be tricky! We will go through all the things to consider when deciding whether or not it’s worth doing for yourself.

Garage Door Installation

When should you do it yourself, and when should you call a professional?

Do you have a garage door in Pittsburgh that has only one panel damaged? If so, should it be replaced? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it may seem. Depending on the reason for the damage and your budget, replacing just one panel could either cost less or more in the long run. In some cases, if multiple panels have different damages, such as rust and cracks, they can all be replaced at once due to their weakened state. However, in other instances where only one panel needs replacement because it’s been damaged by an object like a tree branch or car again, then just one panel can suffice. What do you think? Should we replace just one garage door panel when needed?

If you are looking to replace a garage door panel, it can be tempting to replace one. However, there are many reasons that you should consider replacing all of the panels. Garage door panels are often the first to show signs of wear and tear. In a single panel system, one panel is replaced while the other remains in place. This causes an imbalance that may cause future problems or injury. Replacing both panels will restore balance and create a safer garage door system for your home. Also, the cost is cheaper and will provide a more uniform appearance when done in a group. There are also safety reasons for replacing the whole set as opposed to just one part of them.

When to do it yourself:

  • When the issue is a minor one.
  • You are trying to save money on repairs that you could potentially do yourself. 
  • If it’s an emergency and there isn’t time for waiting for someone else to come out, DIY garage door repairs may be your best bet since they’re not as complicated when compared with other types of home repair jobs.


What not to try:

  • When you have no experience or knowledge about mechanical things like this (or any type of job) and would risk damaging something even more if you tried fixing it yourselves than if you just left it alone in the first place.

Common Garage Door Issues You can Repair it Yourself.

Garage door repairs can be a pain, but they are also necessary. If you’ve had your garage door for more than ten years or it’s older than 15 years, it might be time to replace the old one with a new one. But if you need some minor repair work done on your garage door opener or springs, then there are plenty of do-it-yourself tutorials online that will show you how to fix them yourself!

Basic hardware changes: Checking for loose hardware and tightening the door hardware with a nut driver or socket wrench if minor pieces look like it is one possible DIY solution for a clattering garage door. Temperature variations can cause nuts, bolts, and hinges to compress or expand, to necessitate modifications. Take out your tools, put in some elbow grease, and tighten everything up.

Remote batteries and sensors:  If the remote control for your garage door opener suddenly stops working, check to see if there are new batteries in it. If you don’t have any, then try replacing them with fresh ones and test again. You could also change out the sensor battery – but only if they’re accessible inside of a sealed unit.

Remote receiver: Sometimes dirt can build upon these receivers and cause interference or even block communications entirely. Unplugging them from their power source for an hour will usually clean the contacts enough so that everything works better afterward (but make sure to plug it back in ASAP).

Sensor lens: First off, you should always inspect the safety sensors at both ends of your garage door to ensure they are clean and in good working order. Dirt can accumulate inside these units, which will interfere with function, while any type of dirt or other matter on a sensor lens would prevent it from adequately sensing movement so that way you know when someone is coming into contact with the beam over time. If your sensor is dirty or foggy, it can cause interference with the light beam and keep your door from detecting when something is in its way. This sensor lens is usually easy to replace, or you can clean them and carefully straighten them.

Greasing your garage door: You can easily lubricate the rails and tracks on your garage door, which will make it work more smoothly and fix any issues. Also, a common problem with springs on residential garages doors is rust and corrosion. They need to be oiled or greased every six months in order to function correctly. To extend their lifespan and make them last longer, you also have to take off all debris from around the springs, which will prevent damage from water vapor released by steel parts contacting each other during operation.

Replacing weather stripping seal: If your garage door has been making loud noises lately, then check the weather stripping seal around the frame where the panels meet (weatherstrip), which is often the source of these sounds – it’s an easy fix with just some silicone caulking! This type of project doesn’t require much expertise as other jobs like replacing springs or installing new bolts in one panel (more complex tasks). Still, it requires some skill to ensure that everything is done correctly, so your door doesn’t get stuck or stop working.

Adjusting door cables: This type of project requires a little more skill than weather stripping, but it’s still not the hardest thing to do, provided you have all the right tools and know what technique is best for your situation.

A homeowner can usually do the above common garage door repairs but look for red flags before starting. Always stay safe and call for professional help if needed!

Common Garage Door Repairs You Should Never Try to Tackle Yourself

Trying to install a new opener by yourself: You need a qualified locksmith for this type of installation experience with large overhead doors. If your automatic garage door opener is malfunctioning, the best thing to do is call for a professional who can diagnose and fix the problem with minimal interruption of service time. This will probably involve checking or replacing batteries in the remote transmitter, ensuring that there are no obstacles nearby blocking its sensing range (otherwise replace sensor), or fixing any loose cables on one side of this track where they’re anchored to wall studs with screw hooks (keep this problem in mind when purchasing replacement cables). 

Trying to make adjustments or repairs on a garage door opener without contacting the manufacturer first: Doing so may void any warranties you have on the unit, which means it will not get service if there is an issue with the machine down the line.

Trying to replace the steel springs that power your door: Garage door springs are made of metal and can be dangerous for those who don’t know what they’re doing.

Broken or bent track: Bent tracks can cause many different problems, including doors that won’t open or close properly, are hard to move manually, and even make noise as they go up and down. You need a professional to repair it.

Broken or jammed lift cables: Lift cables are often hidden behind panels and can be challenging to repair. If your garage door cable has broken, it’s easy enough for you to replace a line yourself with only essential tools, but if they have become stuck in some way, this is best left up to an expert.

Door alignment issues: If your garage door isn’t level with the ground when it’s closed, then you have an alignment issue. This problem might be caused by warped panels on each side of the opening (called the head), improperly fitted hinges on one panel, misaligned torsion springs that support the weight of the upper part of your driveway gate, etc. Contacting a professional is your best bet.

Installing an oversized garage door manually, without special equipment: Doing so is dangerous and illegal in many states because it could injure the person trying to perform the installation as well as bystanders nearby if something goes wrong while lifting such heavy loads into place on only one side at a time (rather than using two sets of hands). If your garage door is larger than the standard size, you should consider hiring a professional.

What are the signs that your garage door needs repair?

Garage doors are one of the most critical parts of a house because they provide security and insulation. Garage door repairs are not usually needed unless you have noticed some problems with your garage doors, such as:

  • If your garage door won’t open or close
  • Broken torsion springs
  • Bent track or frame
  • Faulty bearings that cause noise when opening/closing
  • Hinge screws loose
  • Rusting or corrosion on exposed metal components (from extreme weather conditions).
  • The cables are broken in the mechanism that operates your garage door.
  • Your automatic opener is malfunctioning because it’s not responding to remote commands, has a low battery level, or doesn’t detect motion from an obstacle within range of its sensing device.
  • Wheels broke or missing.
  • Wires loose, dangling from the cable pulley system
  • Weatherstripping is not sealing correctly.

If you need help from an expert in repairing your garage door, it is often best if done sooner rather than later. The last thing any homeowner wants is their expensive home contents stolen by thieves who managed to get through the front entrance. It’s also more likely that break-ins will be successful since burglars can drive straight into the garage with a faulty door.

If you have any of these problems, here are the things to keep in mind:

Find out what is wrong with your garage door before trying to fix it yourself – call an expert if the issue appears relatively straightforward or involves heavy lifting for repair work; otherwise, ask them to come over as soon as possible so that no further damage can be done. If they refuse, don’t hesitate to contact another professional. 

Take care not to go into debt by hiring unqualified individuals who may end up costing more money than anticipated because they did additional repairs without informing you beforehand. To avoid this dilemma altogether, get at least two quotes from professionals in order to compare prices and quality (including the warranty).

In some cases, expert assistance may be needed to help you remove a broken garage door that’s blocking your car. In this case, it would be better to call someone who knows how to handle these situations and provide proper instruction on what needs to be done for DIY repairs. 

If the issue is something more complicated than a loose panel or worn-out springs while doing routine maintenance, do not attempt anything yourself unless you are confident that you know exactly what needs fixing. If ever there was an instance where calling the experts offers peace of mind (and saves money), this is by far one of them!

Garage Door Repair Near Me. Contact us!

The bottom line is that some jobs aren’t worth doing yourself because they require too much knowledge and should be left up to professionals like Spartan Garage Doors. For anything else, though, we’re happy to help! We offer free estimates for your garage door repairs in Pittsburgh, PA, and the surrounding areas over the phone with no obligation, so give us a call today at (724) 400-0200, or if you want our assistance on any DIY garage door repairs.

If you need your garage door fixed, Spartan Garage Doors is the best for you!

Call Spartan Garage Now (724) 400-0200

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